EXAIR (Cincinnati, OH) offers their new 2-1/2” and 3” 316 stainless steel Line Vacs with features that include:
- Power for transporting high volumes of material through ordinary hose or tube.
- Designed for areas like food processing which require the benefits of 316SS including chemical and corrosion resistance, performance in high or low temperatures, long service life and low maintenance.
- Two sizes make it possible to convey more material over long vertical and horizontal lengths.
- Commonly used to fill hoppers, move trim and waste, or transfer parts.
- The conveyors eject a small amount of compressed air through directed nozzles to produce a vacuum on one end and high output flows on the other. The conveying rate is controlled with a pressure regulator.
- Nine sizes from 3/8" (10mm) up to 3" (76mm) are available.