Tuft-Retention Brushes

The Resin-Set DRS (Dual Retention System) is designed as an improvement in brush filament retention where each tuft is anchored into the brush back with food-grade stainless steel stapes, and then epoxy resin is floated in.

The Resin-Set DRS (Dual Retention System) is designed as an improvement in brush filament retention where each tuft is anchored into the brush back with food-grade stainless steel stapes, and then epoxy resin is floated in. The resin permeates the bottom of the tuft hole, covering the filaments and staples and sealing the face of the brush. This not only prevents the accumulation of dirt and moisture in the tuft holes, but also the release of tuft fibers into the food and beverage environment.

Hill Brush Co. Ltd., www.hillbrush.com

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