The ODD-900-001 surface-mount photodiode with a daylight filter offers low capacitance and short switching time in a surface-mount package, making it ideally suited for industrial photoelectric control applications. It features high sensitivity ranging from 730 nm to 1,100 nm spectral range with peak sensitivity at 940 nm. The electro-optical characteristics at 25C offer typical responsivity of 0.44 A/W, typical reverse dark current at 5 nA, total capacitance at 25 pF and typical rise/fall times of 50/50 nSecs. The product is durable and designed for use in a wide variety of industrial detection tasks. It operates from -25C to 85C. Power dissipation is 150mW at or below 25C (free air temperature). The device also features a soldering temperature of 260C (soldering time is 5 seconds maximum).
Opto Diode Corporation,