Smells from Animal-Food Plant Annoy Some in Iowa Town

Some people in the eastern Iowa city of Wilton are complaining about smells emanating from a new plant that produces animal food. Resident William Locey told City Council members they needed to do something about the smells from the recently built Vitalix plant.

WILTON, Iowa (AP) — Some people in the eastern Iowa city of Wilton are complaining about smells emanating from a new plant that produces animal food.

The Muscatine Journal reports the issue came up at a Monday night City Council meeting when resident William Locey told members they needed to do something about the smells from the recently built Vitalix plant, which produces corn-based animal food.

City Administrator Chris Ball said managers of the Vitalix plant have assured him that the fumes from the plant aren't hazardous.

The prompted Locey to respond, "It may not be hazardous, but if you're down there where I am, you can't breathe it.

"I have to run in my house to get fresh air."

Ball said the company is considering options for reducing odors, including capturing fumes from a smoke stack and returning it to the plant and using a water curtain to block fumes.

Council member Bob Barrett noted Vitalix promised officials that smells wouldn't be a problem when they sought to build a plant in Wilton.

"We were pretty much assured it would be nothing," Barrett said. "They've got a chance now. This would be a good time to take care of it and be a good neighbor."

Mayor Ira Bowman added that he hopes the issue can be resolved soon.

"We're going to have some unhappy citizens and an unhappy council if this is long term," Bowman said.


Information from: Muscatine Journal,

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