4 Ways 3D Models Benefit Your Expansion Project

Expanding your food processing plant requires an incredible amount of planning — not just in constructing the new section of your plant, but also in planning where each piece of equipment for your new line will go. That’s where 3D modeling comes in.

Expanding your food processing plant requires an incredible amount of planning — not just in constructing the new section of your plant, but also in planning where each piece of equipment for your new line will go.  One miscalculation, one misplaced outlet box, and you could end up overspending your budget trying to get everything to fit correctly.

So how do you avoid those miscalculations? How do you “see” all your new equipment placed within your plant before it’s even built? How do you guarantee that all your utilities will be placed in the right place for your equipment?

That’s where 3D modeling comes in.

Expansion Lifesaver

Imagine the benefit of being able to see your new expansion, all your new equipment, and double check to make sure all utilities are placed in the correct place before any of your equipment is manufactured.

The whole expansion process would be a lot less stressful. You’d save time trying to interpret 2D prints, get a better idea of your employee workflow, save money in avoiding costly last minute plant updates, and see how your product will flow through your new plant.

Benefits of 3D Modeling Services

A truly turnkey equipment manufacturing operation will provide you with 3D modeling services to benefit your plant expansion project. Here are the four main benefits you can expect from 3D models:

Preview Equipment in Plant Layout

Let’s be honest — 2D prints are great, but can be incredibly difficult to visualize how all your equipment will fit and work together. Unless you are a print-reading prodigy, fully understanding a 2D print and how it translates into a 3D world won’t be easy.

3D models eliminate that difficulty by showing you all your new equipment in a model of your expanded plant. You’re able to see how it all looks; rotate, zoom, and turn the model to see equipment from all different angles; and get a sense for how everything will flow together.

It’s the next best thing to looking into the future and seeing your plant completely finished.

See How Equipment Will Work

Another limitation of 2D prints is their inability to show how equipment will work. You can see how they will look, view dimensions and weights, but how they work? No 2D print can do that.

Want to know how far a guard will lift up? Want to see the clearance between equipment? Need to know if product flow will slow down in a certain area? Then you want an equipment manufacturer who provides 3D models.

You’ll get to see your equipment, view the range of movable equipment components, and get a feel for where product flow might slow down — and fix it before manufacturing even begins.

See How Equipment Integrates into Current Line

Do you already own some equipment that will go into your new expansion? Do you need your product to flow from a current line to this new line? 3D models can show you how your new equipment will integrate with what you already own.

See how product will move from your current processing lines, get a feel for how it will work around and integrate into the equipment you already own, discover an easier and more effective way of transporting product.

With 3D models, you’ll see how everything works together.

Determine Where to Place Utilities

One of the biggest frustrations in expanding your plant is knowing where to place utilities to fit with your new equipment. You may have a good idea where they need to go, but one minor tweak in the equipment can end up causing the power source to be moved to the other side of the equipment — leaving your electrical hook ups in the wrong place.

3D models of all the equipment placed in your plant allows you to see where all the power sources are located on the equipment and where your hook ups need to be located in the plant.

This alone can save you thousands in relocating already run utility lines.

Don’t Settle for 2D Prints

When it comes time to expand your plant, or even just a product line, don’t settle for 2D prints alone. Look for an equipment manufacturer who provides 3D models of their equipment placed within your plant — and save yourself some time, money, and frustration. Your project will go smoother if you do!

About Fusion Tech

Fusion Tech is a custom fabrication company specializing in custom designed and manufactured equipment and facility layouts for the food processing industry. Our full-staffed design team provides customers with 3D models of the equipment and layouts we design, allowing you to view our solutions as they will look in your facility. You can learn more at www.ftiinc.org/food.

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