Produce Documentation Tool

Agrian DocumentedTM Handler and Agrian Handler Compliance allow processors, handlers and shippers to electronically receive information from growers, crop advisers and applicators.

Agrian DocumentedTM Handler and Agrian Handler Compliance allow processors, handlers and shippers to electronically receive information from growers, crop advisers and applicators. The handler:

  • Receives data from associated Agrian DocumentedTM Grower, DocumentedTM Advisor, and DocumentedTM Applicator accounts
  • Recreates data manually from paper submissions
  • Cross-references submitted information (electric or paper once entered) against manufacturer-approved labels' data or internal compliance criteria
  • Creates automatic email alerts to be triggered when applications are submitted in violation of the chemical compliance criteria
  • Runs reports by growing site or growing block based on product name, active ingredient (AI), pre-harvest interval (PHI) and re-entry interval (REI)


  • Organizes, manages and completes handler requirements
  • Pushes handler requirements: GAP, food safety, etc. out to linked Agrian Documented accounts
  • Receives and manages electronic submissions
  • Imports or exports information into clients' internal accounting and inventory management systems


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