The FDA has added JK Fish, based out of Vietnam, to its Import Alert 16-120 for fish from foreign processors. This allows the FDA to detain product from JK Fish without physical sampling and analysis.
On April 15, following discussions with FDA, CDC, and state partners, Jensen Tuna voluntarily recalled frozen ground tuna that was sourced from JK Fish. The recalled tuna was individually packaged in one-pound bags and sold in 20-pound boxes to restaurants and distributors in Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota and Washington. As part of an ongoing investigation pertaining to a multi-state outbreak of Salmonella, the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) linked the frozen ground tuna from Jensen to the illnesses.
The outbreak, which is believed to be limited to food consumed in restaurants, is being linked to 13 hospitalizations and two deaths.