Tank Washers

TankJet™ 4 Tank Washers provide high-impact cleaning of tanks up to 98’ (30 m). The units provide consistent impact over the entire pressure range to ensure superior cleaning. The washers are equipped with special nozzles that minimize turbulence and improve stream integrity for increased impact and greater cleaning effectiveness.

TankJet™ 4 Tank Washers provide high-impact cleaning of tanks up to 98’ (30 m). The units provide consistent impact over the entire pressure range to ensure superior cleaning. The washers are equipped with special nozzles that minimize turbulence and improve stream integrity for increased impact and greater cleaning effectiveness. The nozzles rotate 360° in horizontal and vertical planes creating a crisscrossing pattern that thoroughly cleans tanks of even difficult-to-remove residues. The units are compact and fit in tank openings of 6.7” (16 cm). Pin and clutch versions are available to accommodate both permanent installations and portable operation.

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