A matched motor/drive combination package allows an OEM the option to select the optimum solution for a variety of heavy-duty industrial motion control applications from a single source. Manufacturers can chose from a pre-determined list of combinations by selecting the best suited application for your company. Communication selections on the combinations include RS485 with USS and Modbus protocols. A Profibus variant is also offered for a totally integrated automotion solution. Product features include:
- Full three year warranty
- The motor and drive are packed on a single pallet
- Power matched for 430V high-overload operation through a 20 hp range
- I2T protection from thermal damage
- Step-by-step drive start-up through the company's operator panel
- Included application macros for easy installation and wiring
- Cast-iron motors with 4:1 speed range for constant torque, and 20:1 for variable torque.
Siemens Industry, Inc. www.usa.siemens.com/drives