Halloween is a holiday filled with traditions, often with candy as the centerpiece of the fun. This Halloween, the National Confectioners Association is sharing five fun facts about the holiday.
“Halloween is a special time in the candy industry,” said NCA President and CEO John Downs. “There are 55,000 confectionery employees in communities across the country who work hard to make special products for everyone to sample at Halloween, and we know that Americans will enjoy in moderation just as they do throughout the year.”
Fun Facts: How Americans Enjoy Halloween Candy
#1 – Nearly 90% of Parents Teach Moderation to their Children at Halloween
Americans know that candy is a treat. Throughout the year, Americans eat candy just two or three times a week – an average of about 40 calories a day. A full 90 percent of survey respondents use Halloween to prioritize setting guidelines and talking to their children about moderation. Four out of five have a plan in place to help, like having limits on the number of pieces of candy their kids can collect or enjoy per day.
#2 - Americans of All Ages Share Treats at Halloween
More than 75 percent of Americans buy candy to participate in traditional Halloween activities most years. The vast majority of parents (72 percent) also admit they share in their children’s candy stash, whether anyone knows it or not. Some parents (47 percent) say sharing candy is a house rule, while others (25 percent) claim they are more likely to take a treat when their children are not looking.
#3 – Good Things Really Do Come in Small (and Orange!) Packages
When it comes to packaging, 85 percent of Americans say they prefer Halloween candy in small packages – like miniatures or snack-size candies. And speaking of packages, 65 percent of people like to buy candy in Halloween packaging like orange and black wrappers, or candies that have other Halloween shapes or themes.
#4 - Americans will spend $2.7 billion this year on Halloween Candy
NCA estimates that Americans will support U.S. confectionery workers this Halloween by spending nearly $2.7 billion on sweet treats. Beyond the industry’s 55,000 jobs, this economic boost helps an additional 410,000 Americans employed in candy-supported industries like retail, transportation and agriculture.
#5 - Chocolate is America’s Overwhelming Favorite
Chocolate in all its varieties is the star of Halloween, with 68 percent of people saying it is their favorite Halloween treat. Traditional Halloween candy corn comes in second with 10 percent enjoying it the most, while chewy candy and gummy candy are in a dead heat with 7 percent of Americans choosing them as their favorites. However, more than one quarter of adults note that their favorite candy has changed over time.
Survey Methodology
NCA’s 2016 Seasonal Survey was conducted by 210 Analytics, LLC using a database comprised of several million respondents who have agreed to participate in survey research. Interviews took place using a self-administered, online questionnaire. To maintain the reliability and integrity in the sample, each invitation contained a password that is uniquely assigned to that email address and must be entered at the beginning of the survey. Web-assisted interviewing software is used to control quotas in order to mirror the census profile in terms of key demographics such as age, income, region and other factors. The survey was completed by 1,391 individuals in October 2016. The margin of error is +/-2.7%.
The National Confectioners Association is the trade organization representing the $35 billion U.S. confections industry. NCA and its members value the fun and enjoyment of chocolate, candy, gum and mints, serving as a transparent and trustworthy source while building and promoting a responsible industry. As the leading trade association for the industry, NCA is proud of the role it plays in the public’s understanding and appreciation of candy’s unique role in a happy, balanced lifestyle. For more information, visit www.CandyUSA.com.