H Series Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump is designed for water applications where greater flows and higher heads are needed. Product can maintain its prime when check valves or foot valves have failed. The suction line housing is placed higher on the pump, allowing the empeller and mechanical seal to be covered with water at all times, eliminating the need to reprime the pump and protecting the seal from running dry. Pumps are available in 3-, 5-, 7-1/2, 10-, 15- and 20-horsepower models with heads to 79 meters (260 feet) and flow rates to 74 m3/h (325 gpm). The efficiency optimizing pump includes a closed impeller, mechanical shaft seal face and rotating seal face made of materials that ensure reliable operation and minimal wear. The pump is cased in heavy duty cast iron to operate in adverse conditions. It also features a heavy duty rigid bracket to keep the pump and the motor well aligned.
Griswold Pump Company, www.griswoldpump.com