
The Sprint 2 Dicer produces a full complement of dices, slices, strips and granulations. It delivers cutting solutions across food processing industries including vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, candy, bakery and snack products.

Urschel's new Sprint 2 Dicer offers a convenient solution for food processors seeking to replace their existing Models G, G-A, GK-A, H, OR H-A dicers. The latest addition builds on the technology of the DiversaCut Spring Dicer combined with the footprint and similar infeed/discharge heights of the longstanding Model G. Accepting an infeed product up to 6.5" (165.1 mm) in any dimension, the dicer offers a stainless steel sanitary design throughout with the food zone completely isolated from the mechanical zone.

The dicer produces a full complement of dices, slices, strips and granulations. It delivers cutting solutions across food processing industries including vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, candy, and bakery/snack products. Key standard components involve a new dial-in slice knob to lock-in close tolerances; a compact cutting zone that smoothly transitions cut product to attain increase cut quality; cutting parts can be easily removed and replaced; lubrication points fully accessible on the exterior of the machine. Motor options include: 1.5 HP or 3 HP equipped with soft start, or 3 HP equipped with VFD. 

Urschel www.urschel.com

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