New from Camfil APC (Jonesboro, AR) is their Gold Series X-Flo industrial dust collection system. The unit is designed to help safety handle grain, seed and feed in avoiding dust-related dangers including respiratory injury, inhalation of allergens, and the ability of these particles to cause fires and explosions. Additional features include:
- Designed for facilities that handle corn, oats, wheat, barley, sunflower seeds, rice, cotton seeds and soybeans and similar products.
- The ability to collect fine, fibrous and heavy dust loads. It can capture grain, feed and seed dust at the source.
- When equipped with a Camfil explosion vent, the system offers the highest combustible dust explosion protection in accordance with NFPA standards.
- GSX dust collectors are designed in individual modules that handle airflows up to 6,000 cfm using four Gold Cone™ X-Flo (GCX) filter cartridges.
- The GCX filter cartridges feature specially designed inner cones with more downward-facing media than traditional filters. These cones evenly distribute the pulsed air along the outer pack of the filter and through the inner cone, ejecting more dust straight into the hopper.