Steam Trap Surveys to Document Operational Status, Provide Repair Recommendations

The service can be used to create a full inventory of steam traps in a food facility’s steam system.

American Plant Maintenance (APM Steam)

American Plant Maintenance (APM Steam) (Woburn, MA) announced its steam trap survey services, which can be used to create a full inventory of steam traps in a facility’s steam system, identify failing traps and uncover steam trap station issues that negatively impact the delivery of thermal energy through the steam system and the proper removal of condensate.


  • Tests and documents operational status using ultrasound and temperature differentials
  • Complete trap inventory and extensive system information in detailed report outlining findings and recommendations, synopsis of results and return-on-investment calculation that compares replacement costs with losses associated with failed traps
  • Trap application problems and specific recommendations for trap and trap station improvements
  • Field technicians that evaluate elements surrounding steam trap, including isolation valves, inlet strainers, strainer blowdown valves, outlet check valves, trap station bypasses, test valves and sight glass flow indicators
  • Evaluates all features of properly working trap station that allows technicians to work on it safely without being exposed to live steam present in system
  • Tag each trap with sequentially numbered stainless-steel tag and wire hanger, enabling user to find any specific trap in their system quickly
  • Documentation of trap location, application, steam pressure, manufacturer, model and technology
  • Documents pipe size and trap size, connection type, inlet and outlet temperature and comments about existing installation
  • Trap application problems and specific recommendations for trap and trap station improvements
  • Facility managers can review payback period to determine whether project is worth pursuing
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