3 Formulation Methods to Reduce
Lean Giveaway for Processed Meats
This white paper outlines the three most common formulation methods
to improve yields and eliminate costly lean tissue giveaway in meat
processing applications:
Method 1 - Testing
Method 2 - Pre-Blending
Method 3 - Inline Fat/Lean Analysis
Assumed yield miscalculations — even those as seemingly minor as a
1% or 2% difference — has a dramatic impact on profitability for meat
Compare layouts,
processes, pros
and cons of 3 most
common formulation
methods in
meat processing
© Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation
lean giveaway
if lean point
is +2% higher
Target Batch: 73%
Lean Meat: 85% Amount Needed: 3286 (Lbs)
Fat Meat: 50% Amount Needed: 1714 (Lbs)
Weight of Batch: 5000 (Lbs)
Example if Lean Point is +2% higher than above
Actual Batch: 75%
Lean Meat: 85% Actual Used: 3571 (Lbs)
Fat Meat: 50% Actual Used: 1429 (Lbs)
Weight of Batch: 5000 (Lbs)
Lean Give Away Assumptions
Based on 3 Batches/Hr 855
Based on 2 Shifts/Day 13,680
Based on 5/Days/Week 68,400
Based on 52 Weeks/Yr 3,556,800
2 © Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation
To put this in perspective, we’ve outlined an example below using 85% lean and 50% fat content to
achieve a 73% lean point in a 5000-pound batch.
Each of the formulation methods discussed below — testing, pre-blending, and inline fat/lean analysis —
has its advantages and disadvantages, including variations in general cost, equipment footprint, and
overall accuracy.
Each of the following formulation methods discussed — testing, pre-blending, and inline fat/lean
analysis — has its advantages and disadvantages, including variations in general cost, equipment
footprint, and overall accuracy.
© Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation 3
Sanitary Food Processing Tanks l Electropolishing Services
In the testing method, processors take just a few
samples from the batch to determine the lean point,
or the ratio between fat and lean tissue. Differing lean
points of whole-muscle trim are stored in surge loaders
and can be metered out on demand. Using calculations
based on the general lean point for each surge loader,
the final mixer sends a request to the applicable loaders
to begin discharging onto the metal-detecting belt and
into the primary grinder to be loaded into the mixer. The
surge loaders act in a loss-in-weight manner by using
load cells to distribute product proportionally for
In a 5000-pound batch with a target of 73% lean
product, for example, the testing program would
calculate a requirement of 3286 pounds of 85% lean
and 1714 pounds of 50% fat trim to reach the desired
lean point of 73%.
The final mixer is also on load cells to determine when
the load cycle is complete; once finished, it will then
transition to the mix cycle. Upon completing the mix
cycle, product samples can be captured manually or
through an optional vacuum sampling device, then
prepared and analyzed to verify the accurate lean
point of the batch. Corrections, if necessary, can then
be completed to bring the final batch into compliance.
(Note: The method outlined above is batch-by-batch
production. Some processors use continuous blending.)
Method 1: Testing
Method 1: Testing
l Least expensive method
l Offers smallest footprint
l Does not guarantee accuracy
l Consumes more time than other
l Requires manual process steps
In this layout, the line starts with three dumpers.
One dumper would contain fat, another lean and
the third may be chuck or some other ingredi-
ent. These dumpers unload into a surge loader.
The product travels out of the surge loader to a
sanitary belt conveyor with metal detection. The
product then goes into a primary grinder. A trans-
fer screw transports the ground product into an
overlapping paddle mixer blender. It is from this
mixer blender that the samples are taken manually
and analyzed to determine the actual lean point.
The product is transfered into another surge load-
er and then to a final grinder.
4 © Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation
Pre-Blending offers a seamless, accurate solution,
but the equipment costs, added footprint size, main-
tenance, and sanitation requirements must also be
considered. In this method, lean and fat are transferred
into one of two pre-blenders. The goal is to create a ho-
mogeneous batch of each lean point (pre-ground) from
which the final mixer can draw.
As with the testing method, product is sampled from
each pre-blender and the results are loaded into the
formulation program in the control package. Once load-
ed, product can be formulated quickly, accurately, and
without disruption into the final mixer using load cells
on both the pre-blenders and the final mixer.
For example, using the same 5,000-pound batch and
73% lean point example from the testing method sce-
nario, we begin by submitting the exact feedback from
our analysis of the pre-blended material.
With this analysis, it is quickly determined that the 50%
fat is 52%, and the 85% lean is actually 83%, so the pro-
gram will determine the batch now needs 3387-pounds
of lean and 1613-pounds of fat to reach the desired lean
point. Because the yield was properly assessed from
the beginning instead of incorrectly assumed, no cor-
rections are required during processing.
Method 2: Pre-Blending
Method 2: Pre-Blending
l Ensures improved accuracy
l Eliminates production delays by
reducing mid-production downtime
l Utilizes measured lean points
l Eliminates the need for correction as
testing is conducted prior to actual
l Higher production volumes with
greater lean-yield accuracy, especially
beneficial to larger food-processing
l More costly due to higher operational
costs, including electricity, cleaning
and other maintenance considerations
l Additional equipment requires larger
In this layout, the dumper transfers product into a
surge loader. The surge loader then transfers
product to a sanitary belt conveyor with metal
detection. The two-tier conveyor flips the trim meat
for further inspection of contaminants and then
product goes into the primary grinder. A pivoting
incline screw conveyor transfers product into either
mixer blender with both systems equipped with
vacuum sampling for lean-point accuracy. The
product is then transferred with another incline
screw conveyor into a final mixer.
© Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation 5
In the testing method, processors take just a few
samples from the batch to determine the lean point,
or the ratio between fat and lean tissue. Differing lean
points of whole-muscle trim are stored in surge loaders
and can be metered out on demand. Using calculations
based on the general lean point for each surge loader,
the final mixer sends a request to the applicable loaders
to begin discharging onto the metal-detecting belt and
into the primary grinder to be loaded into the mixer. The
surge loaders act in a loss-in-weight manner by using
load cells to distribute product proportionally for
In a 5000-pound batch with a target of 73% lean
product, for example, the testing program would
calculate a requirement of 3286 pounds of 85% lean
and 1714 pounds of 50% fat trim to reach the desired
lean point of 73%.
The final mixer is also on load cells to determine when
the load cycle is complete; once finished, it will then
transition to the mix cycle. Upon completing the mix
cycle, product samples can be captured manually or
through an optional vacuum sampling device, then
prepared and analyzed to verify the accurate lean
point of the batch. Corrections, if necessary, can then
be completed to bring the final batch into compliance.
(Note: The method outlined above is batch-by-batch
production. Some processors use continuous blending.)
Method 3: Inline Fat/Lean Analysis
Method 3: Inline Fat/Lean Analysis
l Realize return on investment rather
quickly despite higher upfront cost
l Ensures streamlined, continuous produc-
tion with the added benefit of locating
foreign material during processing
l Most expensive method due to up front
cost of x-ray units
This layout is like the testing method, with the
addtion of the inline fat analyzer equipment. The
three dumpers feed three surge loaders. The
product is transferred to a sanitary belt conveyor
with metal detection. The product then goes into
a primary grinder. At this point, a fat analyzer is
programmed for in-line testing and the upstream
equipment will automatically adjust to tweak lean-
points. Then the product travels the incline screw
conveyor into an overlapping paddle mixer blender.
The product is transfered into another surge loader
and then to a final grinder.
6 © Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation
Vacuum Sampler
Mixer Blender
The integration of a vacuum sample system in
a Mixer Blender is an efficient way to take prod-
uct samples. There is no need for equipment and
production stops because the vacuum sampler is
automatic and can be delivered at different intervals
to provide a true test of product consistency.
Compared to manual sampling, the vacuum sample
is more efficient and safer for the operator.
Mepaco’s Mixer Blenders with single or dual agita-
tion, are engineered to specific application param-
eters. Designed to produce homogeneous blends
quickly and efficiently, Mepaco’s Mixer Blenders
provide results in increased productivity and yields.
For other food processing applications requiring
thermal product change, these industrial mixing
solutions have designs that include heating and
cooling jackets and injection systems with
applicable solenoid controls, manifold, injectors
and exhaust cover.
© Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation 7
Dumper with Pallet Retention
The optional Pallet Retention feature on the DP3000
Dumper, operates by separating the pallet from the
combo during the dumping process. This feature
reduces the risk of foreign matter getting into the
food stream and contaminating the food production
The DP3000 Dumper can also include a liner hold-
down mechanism that prevents the liner from sepa-
rating from the combo and falling into the hopper.
Clean Sweep Surge Loader
The Clean Sweep Surge Loader mechanically clears
food product between batches. Paddles sweep the
sides of the tub and continually push product into the
This solution reduces food waste and eliminates the
need for personnel to have to manually clear product.
Options include different agitator configurations,
customized safety grating, load cells, pneumatic
covers on the screw conveyor discharge and electro-
polished food contact surfaces.
Pivoting Incline Screw Conveyor
Pivoting Incline Screw Conveyors provide versatile
production possibilities. These systems also have
lowering and elevating capabilities for safe and effi-
cient sanitation and maintenance.
Designed with different pivot configurations,
articulating conveyors can also be configured
with CIP (clean-in-place) systems, pneumatically
controlled safety grating and covers, and electro-
polished food contact surfaces.
This white paper was developed with the collaboration of Mepaco’s
senior engineering team and application experts, with reference to
Apache’s archives.
Meat Processing Systems from Mepaco®
Grind and blend systems are the cornerstone of
Mepaco’s expertise. While the scenarios outlined in this
white paper address common formulation methods,
our team’s formulation experience in grinding, complex
ingredient blending, and various protein combinations
enables us to develop customized solutions specific to
each customer’s unique application.
Mepaco®, part of the Apache Stainless Equipment
Corporation, is one of four business groups under the
Apache umbrella; other Apache groups include large
ASME tanks, small portable vessels, and contract man-
ufacturing. Available with a range of modifiable options,
the Mepaco® product line specifically includes thermal
processing equipment, mixers, blenders, augers, dump-
ers, sanitary conveyors, and material handling systems.
Backed by Apache’s expertise in stainless and high alloy
fabrication, Mepaco® manufactures meat processing
solutions with the resources of a large commercial man-
ufacturer and the customer focus of a small business.
A fully employee-owned company, Mepaco® exemplifies
continuous improvement, efficiency, innovation, and
commitment to customers. Our team members, who
each have an average of 20 years of experience in
specialties ranging from application support to equip-
ment fabrication, form an effective team to provide
reliable performance, diverse in-house control capabil-
ities, and unmatched production solutions for industrial
food-processing customers.
At Mepaco®, our mission is to ensure that all food-
processing products are Reliable by Design, which
covers performance, safety, sanitary design and
durability for many years of use.
200 W. Industrial Drive
Beaver Dam, WI 53916 USA
Phone: 920-356-9900
9/2018 © 2018 Apache Stainless Equipment Corp.
PIP (Process Industry Practices)
ASME & API-650
3 Formulation Methods to Reduce Lean Giveaway for Processed Meats
If you are giving away lean, you’re costing your company money. Introducing Mepaco’s new ebook, “3 Formulation Methods to Reduce Lean Giveaway for Processed Meats,” developed by Mepaco’s senior engineering team and application experts. Discover and compare 3 methods (Testing, Pre-Blending and Inline Fat/Lean Analysis), equipment layouts, related costs, advantages and disadvantages.
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