WATERLOO, Iowa (AP) — A meat processor plans to create more than 200 jobs as part of a $28 million expansion of its plant in Waterloo.
The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier reports Tyson Fresh Meats Inc. announced Friday it would create 245 new jobs at its pork processing plant, which now employees nearly 2,900 people.
Tyson made the announcement after the Iowa Economic Development Authority approved $2 million in investment tax credits and $396,000 in sales and use tax refunds for the project. The company also wants Waterloo to provide five years of property tax abatements for the additional value created by the expansion, starting at 75 percent and dropping to 15 percent by the fifth year.
Tyson plans to create 225 production jobs, all paying more than $17.29 hourly. There will be 10 new maintenance position, eight management jobs and two management support jobs.