Motor, Clutch Brakes for Washdown Applications

Nickel plating and stainless steel offers additional protection from moisture, caustic spray, chemicals and corrosion.

Force Control

Force Control Industries (Fairfield, OH) offers its collection of MagnaShear, Posistop, Posidyne and Positorq motor and clutch brakes in washdown configurations for food processing. The washdown option provides:

  • Additional protection from moisture, water, saltwater, caustic spray and chemicals.
  • Nickel plating protects the shafts from corrosion.
  • Stainless-steel external fasteners, clamp collars and conduit boxes afford similar protection.
  • Non-metallic elements such as breathers and sight gauges further eliminate corrosion.
  • A Steel-It Epoxy Coating System, with a stainless-steel leafing pigment, protects the housing from moisture and chemical agents, as well as ultraviolet rays, oils, alkalis, food acids, abrasion and high pressure wash down.
