Company’s ractopamine testing services provide cost-effective screening for ractopamine, a potent ß-agonist. The services include extraction methods optimized for high recovery rates from a wide variety of sample types, and test results are available in less than one week from receipt of samples. Testing features:
- Testing in meat, animal tissue, milk, feed, urine, serum and plasma
- Reportable detection limits as low as 0.2 ppb for pork samples
- Extensive menu of kits for quantitative assessment of ractopamine in food and feed samples for laboratories that wish to perform rapid screening for ractopamine in-house
- Kits available in a variety of sizes and formats including the MaxSignal® Ractopamine ELISA Kit and AuroFlow™ Ractopamine Strip Tests, which will be launched soon
- Manufacturing under ISO 9001 standards providing sensitive, reproducible results to meet strict requirements for reliable analysis in a wide variety of sample types
Bioo Scientific,