Narrow Belt Conveyor

The NBC Narrow Belt Conveyor is a belt-driven live-roller conveyor solution that is configurable into zero-pressure contact accumulation, non-contact accumulation and transportation conveyor using the same frame and drive components. The conveyor accumulates products to provide contact accumulation with no line-pressure, allowing even empty boxes to be dense-packed with just a light touch of box to box.

The NBC Narrow Belt Conveyor is a belt-driven live-roller conveyor solution that is configurable into zero-pressure contact accumulation, non-contact accumulation and transportation conveyor using the same frame and drive components. The conveyor accumulates products to provide contact accumulation with no line-pressure, allowing even empty boxes to be dense-packed with just a light touch of box to box. The technology can also handle dense packing small and diverse products with zero line pressure on both curves and straight beds. Features include logic modules that can be set in the field with the simple press of a button to select basic or progressive (train) release modes.

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