Gyratory Sifter

The GyroSift GS36 provides gentle gyratory sifting motion and is designed for applications requiring smaller screen areas. It is available with 1 to 3 36" diameter stainless steel sieves. The V-belt drive and counterweight assembly ensure that the sifter speed and circle are matched to provide optimum separation performance from flakes to fine powders.

The GyroSift GS36 provides gentle gyratory sifting motion and is designed for applications requiring smaller screen areas. It is available with 1 to 3 36" diameter stainless steel sieves. The V-belt drive and counterweight assembly ensure that the sifter speed and circle are matched to provide optimum separation performance from flakes to fine powders. The trays use mechanically stretched screens to provide optimum screen tension and sanitation. It can be furnished with the support frame for floor mounting or suspended from the structure. The product offers stainless steel product contact areas and snap on neoprene gaskets.
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