Mechanical Sealer

The Isolast® J9876 is a perfluoroelastomer with specific properties for use in mechanical seals. This compound is compatible with nearly all media, suitable for high-temperature applications and for use in steam and water. It has a continuous operating temperature range from +19°F to +527°F (-7°C to + 275°C) with occasional peaks up to +599°F (+315°C).

The Isolast® J9876 is a perfluoroelastomer with specific properties for use in mechanical seals. This compound is compatible with nearly all media, suitable for high-temperature applications and for use in steam and water. It has a continuous operating temperature range from +19°F to +527°F (-7°C to + 275°C) with occasional peaks up to +599°F (+315°C). The compound is available in any size O-Ring, gasket, molded part or rubber-to-metal bonded components, including door and gate seals.
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