Robotic Controller

The DX100 controller handles multiple tasks including control of up to eight robots (72 axes), as well as I/O devices and communication protocols. The unit features faster processing speeds, advanced robot arm control for smoother interpolation, built-in collision avoidance and quicker I/O response.

The DX100 controller handles multiple tasks including control of up to eight robots (72 axes), as well as I/O devices and communication protocols. The unit features faster processing speeds, advanced robot arm control for smoother interpolation, built-in collision avoidance and quicker I/O response. Featuring a PC architecture, the system uses a Windows CE programming pendant with a color touch screen. Multiple window display capability and a cross-shaped navigation cursor reduce teaching time by 30%, and program files can be up to 32 characters long. The product is compliant to ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999, ISO 10218-1-2007 and other relevant safety standards.

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