Mobile Weighing Terminal

The IND560x weighing terminal is available with an external NiMH battery option. The power adapter board offers increased portability and flexibility in potentially hazardous production environments while ensuring accuracy. Designed for exacting process control in filling, dosing and manual weighing operations, the optional internal solid state discrete inputs and passive outputs offer direct control of the intrinsically safe solenoids.

The IND560x weighing terminal is available with an external NiMH battery option. The power adapter board offers increased portability and flexibility in potentially hazardous production environments while ensuring accuracy. Designed for exacting process control in filling, dosing and manual weighing operations, the optional internal solid state discrete inputs and passive outputs offer direct control of the intrinsically safe solenoids. The product's 366 Hz analog to digital conversion rate and 50 Hz target update rate helps deliver maximum filling and dosing control for consistent and safe formulation in high-speed, automatic production applications.
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