Feeder Controller

Designed for the management of up to 16 gravimetric screw feeders, weighfeeders and mass flow meters, the DISOCONT® MASTER Touch Group Controller is new to the North American marketplace.

Designed for the management of up to 16 gravimetric screw feeders, weighfeeders and mass flow meters, the DISOCONT® MASTER Touch Group Controller is new to the North American marketplace.  The DISOCONT®  Master is applicable in processes using multiple feeders. The controller is designed for use in applications where feeders are controlled by a master gravimetric feeder and can be controlled or monitored from a single workplace, at a specific ratio as part of an overall group setpoint. Features include:

  • Touch screen operation
  • Recipe management
  • Displaying, analyzing, and acknowledging events
  • Resetting the totalizing counter
  • Measurement value selection

Fieldbus, language translation, and batch reporting are available options. Typical installations can be found in a control room or control cubicle where the system communicates with the feeders via a databus reducing cabling requirements.

Schenck AccuRate, www.accuratefeeders.com

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