Conveyor Belt Scales

Model NAR Belt Scales are designed to deliver exceptional stability in applications requiring verifiable accuracy.

Model NAR Belt Scales are designed to deliver exceptional stability in applications requiring verifiable accuracy. Certified by the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP), the system is recommended for applications requiring commercial certification for billing purposes, and has been proven in conditions demanding ±0.125% accuracy through independent certification. The scale's weigh bridge features rocking flexure suspension in the approach-retreat configuration. Measurement sensitivity is high, deflection is low, and the single load cell is isolated from the error-inducing effects of extraneous lateral forces, off-center loading, foundation distortion, inclination hold-back forces, and high sporadic shocks and overloads. The units come in 4, 6 and 8 idler design, 24" to 96" width and a maximum capacity of 10,200 TPH.

Thayer Scale,

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