Company's new Model 108HL high level bulk depalletizer is the solution for packagers who need reliable depalletizing with top flexibility, easy installation and quick payback. This machine smoothly transfers containers from the pallet stack and sweeps them gently onto high level discharge conveyor at speeds to four layers per minute. It offers the flexibility to run plastic, glass, aluminum, steel or composite containers interchangeably with no change parts. It can automatically remove and stack tier sheets, inverted trays and pallets. As the pallet remains stationery during depalletizing, there is no risk of pallet instability. Features to ensure positive container handling include:
- Four containment devices
- A tiersheet stabilizer
- A precision chain and sprocket sweep mechanism that maintains container stability even when depalletizing lightweight containers
This system offers discharge elevations up to 144". A low level model is also available with discharge height to 36".
A-B-C Packaging Machine Corporation,