Explosion-Proof Encoder

The HeavyDuty encoder EEx HOG 161 is now compliant to IECEx standard. The product features an explosion-proof design with IECEx certification in device category 2 G.


The HeavyDuty encoder EEx HOG 161 is now compliant to IECEx standard. The product features an explosion-proof design with IECEx certification in device category 2 G. The encapsulated, pressure-proof device is compliant to both ATEX Directive 94/9/EG for potentially explosive atmospheres (II 2 G Ex d e IIC T6 Gb) and IECEx scheme (Ex d e IIC T6 Gb). The unit operates on the optical sensing technique and, depending on the product variant, provides 250 to 2,500 impulses per turn. Inner through-hollow shaft diameters from 30 to 70 mm, high bearing load capacity of 650 N radial and 450 N axial ensure maximum service life. The robust housing will protect the unit against adverse ambient conditions, and the large terminal box enabling four different mounting positions will considerably ease electrical installation.

The Baumer Group, www.baumer.com

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