Company's condensers from the RF range (for synthetic refrigerants) and the NF range (for ammonia) require a smaller refrigerant charge. They are also lighter than their predecessors. The casings of these weather-resistant, air-cooled condensers have been modified so that the new design has optimized the flow rate and has increased mechanical stability. The RF range is available for the capacity range of 5 to 1,342 kW (as per EN 327:2000), in flat-bed or vertical configurations. The RF range offers two tube patterns: one with 12 mm tubing and the other with 3/8" tubing. Users can choose various fans, and an adiabatic spray system and various control packages are available as options. The air-cooled condensers in the NF range are designed on the same basic principle as those in the RF range, and they offer identical configuration possibilities, fans and accessories.
GEA Searle Systems, www.gea.com