The ultra-sanitary and tool-less W.O.W. Conveyor with a Bucket Uplift version gives food manufacturers another option. Traditional bucket conveyors have chains, sprockets and metal buckets that pivot. These moving parts require grease for operation, making the design inherently unsanitary. The W.O.W. version of the Bucket Uplift Conveyor eliminates these parts using the same design principles of all W.O.W. Conveyors: parts that can removed without the use of tools, made possible with a patented bearing application, and framework that contains no niches where bacteria can grow. Every conveyor is custom built to meet each food processor’s unique food safety and production needs. For instance, clear polymer guards made of FDA-approved Lexan are an optional design feature in facilities where products require protection from falling debris. These too can easily be removed without the use of tools. Like all W.O.W. Conveyors, the pulleys, motors, drives, chutes, bearings and belts can all be easily removed using only one’s hands, so that anyone can fully disassemble and reassemble the conveyor without the need of a plant mechanic. Monaweck, who designed the conveyor, also reduced and eliminated areas where food particles can collect along the conveyor. Both of these design elements make sanitation quicker and easier for food manufactures looking to comply with the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
Walker Custom Sheet Metal