Label Printer

Lobo is a laptop-sized thermal-transfer label printer designed for industrial applications.

Lobo is a laptop-sized thermal-transfer label printer designed for industrial applications. With a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery providing more than three hours of continuous printing, as well as snap-in label cartridges in .5", 1" and 2", the unit is a signficant advancement in the "grab-and-go" label printer field. The system may be loaded with any of 12 premium vinyl color combinations as well as self-laminating wire wrap, metal-detectable tape, extreme high-temp poly tape, oily surface tape and 18 other supply types tailored for use in virtually any industrial setting. The product has instant access to a library of more than 1,000 symbols and pictograms and basic design templates. The labeler's firmware also allows users to create sequenced numbering and barcoding capacity. The device features a 3.5" color screen for WYSIWYG editing, a built-in carrying handle and a full-sized ergonomic QWERTY keyboard.

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